David Reisberg

David Reisberg

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to know what media sources are reliable?

What sources are reliable?  How do you know?  When I chose to look outside the box in search of news stories, articles, or try to educate myself otherwise, I prefer to look for many different sources.  The more the topic or issue shows up on different news mediums, the more I feel comfortable that the story I'm reading or hearing is true and unbiased.  The news media sources I prefer are BBC, NPR, Al-Jazeera, and CNN.
Other sources that I chose that are a different part of  the news mediums are Twitter, Facebook, and plain texting.  Through these channels I can see people's spontaneity of thought and sharing of fresh news. Once I have read or listened to the different media sources, I gather up the information, sort it out, and choose which news source is more reliable from that point on.

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