Hello, my name is David Reisberg and for one reason or another you have stumbled upon my blog. Some things you should know about me, since you were so interested in stopping by.
First, I enjoy pepperoni, black olives, and green peppers on my pizza. Secondly, I wear a size 11 in shoes, just in case you're extremely feeling generous and a desire to purchase me some new kicks. Thirdly, if you happen to see me in the streets or passing in the halls, don't hesitate to smile and say hello, I promise I don't bite.
Now that we have the serious things about me out of the way, some other interesting facts that may intrigue you are that; every year I march in the Memorial Day parade with other members of the Veteran's of Foreign Wars, I am a certified patrol/explosives detector dog handler, and I can perform Beethoven's Fur Elise on the piano in its entirety.
I am currently attending Northeastern Illinois University where I am studying mathematics in order to one day teach at the high school level. Also, due to my personal curiosity and the strive for truth and knowledge, I have been studying Middle Eastern cultures and languages as a side minor.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and if you have any comments, questions, or life lessons for me, don't hesitate to send me a line.
"Live life to the fullest"
"Never give up"
"Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself, each day has has enough worry of its own."
"Freedom is not free"